Statement By Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on President Obama’s ISIL Speech
September 10, 2014
President Obama laid out a strong, comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL, and the United States military is prepared to carry out its responsibilities in this counter-terrorism campaign. The men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces are ready to carry out the orders of our commander-in-chief, to work with our partners across government, and to work with our friends and allies around the world to accomplish this mission. As the president made clear, American military power cannot alone eradicate the threats posed by ISIL to the United States, our allies, and our friends and partners in the region. Iraq’s continued political progress toward a more inclusive government will be critical, as will our coalition’s use of all instruments of power — military, law enforcement, economic, diplomatic, intelligence, and humanitarian assistance — in coordination with countries in the region.