PRESS RELEASE | July 6, 2009
Operation Khanjar restores government control in Khan Neshin
By None , Marine Expeditionary Brigade – Afghanistan
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan (July 6, 2009) – Afghan National Police and forces from Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan have restored government control in the town of Khan Neshin as part of MEB-Afghanistan’s ongoing Operation Khanjar, designed to provide stable conditions for the Afghan people by disrupting insurgents’ lines of communication and freedom of movement in Helmand province.
Approximately 500 Marines from 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion have moved into the Khan Neshin area, located in the Rig District, near the part of the Helmand River known as “The Fishhook.” This is the first time coalition forces have had a sustained presence so far south in the Helmand River valley. Khan Neshin had been a Taliban stronghold for several years before Afghan and coalition forces arrived and began discussions with local leaders several days ago.
The mission to secure Khan Neshin was part of a larger operation undertaken by International Security Assistance Force and Afghan forces to stabilize towns along the Helmand River Valley in order to connect local citizens with their legitimate government while establishing secure conditions for national elections scheduled for August.