PRESS RELEASE | July 27, 2009
Militants attack mosque; ISAF, Afghan troops assist injured
By None , ISAF Public Information Office
KABUL, Afghanistan (July 27, 2009) – Insurgents attacked a mosque at a combat outpost in the Kamdesh District, injuring two Afghan National Army soldiers, who were awaiting evening prayer on July 26.
The outpost was attacked with small arms fire, mortars, and a rocket-propelled grenade. The rounds impacted the outpost’s mosque.
Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service members treated the soldiers for shrapnel wounds, and medically evacuated those who needed further treatment.
“These brave soldiers fight for the people of Afghanistan every day, and their sacrifices show that they truly care for the people,” said Captain Jay Ireland, the outpost commander. “These insurgents have shown they do not care about the people of Afghanistan, nor do they respect these soldiers’ right to practice their religion.”
ISAF is a key component of the international community’s engagement in Afghanistan, assisting the Afghan authorities in providing security and stability and creating the conditions for reconstruction and development.