PRESS RELEASE | June 14, 2014
Statement By the U.S. Central Command Commander on Afghanistan Run-Off Elections
Media Release
7115 South Boundary Boulevard
MacDill AFB, Fla. 33621-5101
Phone: (813) 529-0220
June 14, 2014
RELEASE #20140503
Statement By the U.S. Central Command Commander on Afghanistan Run-Off Elections
TAMPA, Fla. – Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, U.S. Central Command commander, released the following statement today:
“I would like to congratulate the people of Afghanistan on the successful conduct of today’s run-off presidential election. Just like the April elections, millions of Afghans headed to the polls to participate in this most essential of democratic rights, the right to choose their leaders. Likewise, the Afghan National Security Forces are to be commended for the outstanding job they did securing polling stations and providing for the safe transit of the Afghan people throughout the country. The strong performance of the ANSF, under what were very challenging circumstances, is further testament to their growing capability, and sends a clear message of resolve to potential adversaries and those who would seek to disrupt Afghanistan’s chances for a brighter future.”