Readout of Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work’s Visit to Afghanistan
November 28, 2014
Deputy Secretary of Defense Spokesperson Lt. Cmdr. Courtney Hillson provided the following readout:
Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work traveled to Afghanistan Nov. 27-28 to visit U.S. servicemen and women during the Thanksgiving holiday and thank them for their service.
While in Afghanistan, Work met with numerous senior U.S. military commanders, to include International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commander Gen. John Campbell. In meetings, Work highlighted the progress made by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), ISAF’s ongoing transition to the NATO Resolute Support mission, and ongoing U.S. retrograde efforts.
The deputy secretary traveled to several coalition operating locations and visited with ISAF, NATO and Afghan forces in Kabul, Kandahar, Gamberi, and Jalalabad to commend them on their ongoing efforts and successes. At each location Work met with deployed service members to express Secretary Hagel’s and his appreciation for their service and that of their families during this critical time.
This visit to Afghanistan marks the third time Work has traveled to the country in an official capacity; this was his second trip as the deputy secretary of defense.